Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mr. Oscar Meyer

John Coomer was casually sitting in his seat behind the third-base dugout last September watching his Royals thinking last season couldn't end soon enough when out of nowhere he was struck in the eye...with a hot dog....
The culprit...Sluggerrr...the Royals' mascot, who apparently has a crown for a head, chucked the weiner into the crowd and introduced it to Mr. Coomer's face...detatching his retina and causing cataracts in his left eye...
The man is suing for $25,000, but in all seriousness...this is why the PA warns fans to remain alert...granted you expect bats and balls...but pay attention...
At the moment, K.C is looking for a replacement mascot so Sluggerrr can live out his lifelong dream of being a member of the Royals pitching rotation...

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